More Blog Post Help
Pasting Content From Elsewhere: Copying and pasting content from elsewhere is discouraged because other publishing and writing program/platforms may include formatting codes that you can’t see.
If you absolutely have to paste text from elsewhere, you can remove most codes by pasting using CTRL-SHIFT-V instead of CTRL-V.
Visual/Text Modes: If you ever find yourself looking at raw HTML codes, you’re likely in TEXT mode. Near the top right of your Post Content box, you’ll see two tabs. Click the VISUAL tab to switch back to the visual mode.
More Formatting Options: Clicking the button will display/hide additional formatting options.
Blog Post Help
Post Title: Use a short, concise, yet descriptive title for your blog post.
Post Content: Using more words is always better. There is no limit to what you can type here.
Featured Image: Every blog post should have a nice image. The Featured Image is displayed above the blog post and is used when sharing your post on social media.
Categories: Give your blog post a category or two helps organize your blog, allows people to understand what your post is about, and helps a tiny bit with search engines. Think of Categories as binder tabs, except that you can use multiple categories for each blog post.
It’s best to use a small number of categories.
Creating a New Category: Click the “Add New” link under the category listings if you need to create a new category. After you’ve click the link you’ll see a text box where you can type in the name of your new category. If you want, you can also specify a parent category to create a hierarchy for your categories.
Submit: Click the Submit button to save and display your blog post.